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Sports Car

Ceramic Coating in Quinte West

Ceramic coating for cars is a revolutionary advancement in vehicle paint protection. This high-performance, liquid polymer solution is meticulously applied to the exterior of a vehicle, bonding with the factory paint to form a durable, protective layer. Unlike traditional waxes and sealants that simply sit on top of the paint, a ceramic coating chemically bonds with the paint, creating a long-lasting barrier that is resistant to water, chemicals, UV rays, and even minor scratches.

Why should you have a ceramic coating?

The most notable feature of a ceramic coating is its hydrophobic properties, which make water bead and slide off the surface effortlessly.

This characteristic not only makes cleaning the car easier but also helps reduce the chances of water spots and stains adhering to the paint. Also, the coating enhances the paint's depth and gloss, giving the car a constant "just waxed" appearance.

Ceramic coatings are also known for their durability, often lasting years, unlike traditional wax treatments that might need reapplication every few months. This longevity offers a cost-effective solution for maintaining the car's exterior, preserving its appearance and resale value over time.

Ceramic Coating Process

We use paint safe methods to hand wash and dry your vehicle

Using Iron decontamination and a clay pad we decontaminate your paint leaving it smooth

Using a machine we apply a polish to smooth out the paint 

Then we apply your choice of coating on paint, trim, and windows

Choose a coating

8 Year Ceramic Coating

The 8 Year Ceramic Coating is the most chemical-resistant


Includes light paint enhancement

5 Year Ceramic Coating

The 5-Year Ceramic Coating has the most gloss 


Includes light paint enhancement

3 Year Graphene Coating

The 3 Year graphene coating has the best water spot resistance 


Includes light paint enhancement

Not sure which one you want?

Request a quote and we will be happy to help

Ceramic Add ons

Interior Ceramic

Having ceramic on your interior makes cleaning easier, protects your vehicle from UV rays, and helps prevents stains

$100 - $200

Must be booked with a complete interior detail

Wheel Coating

Ceramic-coated wheels can improve gloss, and UV protection, and help protect against road grime and brake dust

Wheels face only $100

Wheels off coating $250

Paint correction

If your vehicle has a lot of scratches and swirls you may want them corrected before your coating

Check out our one-step polish or two-step paint correction

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Ceramic Coating FAQs

What coating do you use?

We use DIY Detail 3-Year, 5-Year, and 8-Year Coating to discover unmatched shine, protection, and longevity for your vehicle. 

How long does it take?

Depending on the size of the vehicle it can take 5-10 hours

What are the benifents

Ceramic coatings enhance your vehicle gloss, chemical resistance, UV protection, water beading, water spot resistance, and more

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